Summer 2021 - 5v5 Men's Basketball - Intermediate Division - Wayne Area - Wednesday
Wednesday, June 23
Court 1
Court 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Billal A
8:00 PM |
POTG: Ryan G
POTG: Mike G
9:00 PM |
POTG: Ja'mere B
POTG: Omar H
10:00 PM |
POTG: Boris B
POTG: Om m
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, June 30
Court 1
Court 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Billal A
POTG: Nebi A
8:00 PM |
POTG: Joseph C
POTG: John H
9:00 PM |
POTG: Mihran N
POTG: Peter W
10:00 PM |
POTG: Boris B
POTG: Jonathan T
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, July 7
Court 1
Court 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Justin K
POTG: Omar A
8:00 PM |
POTG: Jonathan T
POTG: Chris C
9:00 PM |
POTG: Evan C
POTG: Nicholas E
10:00 PM |
POTG: Alex G
POTG: Ja'mere B
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, July 14
Court 1
Court 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: William D
POTG: Justin W
8:00 PM |
POTG: Om m
POTG: James M
9:00 PM |
POTG: Joseph C
POTG: Jean J
10:00 PM |
POTG: Omar H
POTG: Ryan G
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, July 21
Court 1
Court 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Mack H
POTG: William D
8:00 PM |
POTG: Om m
POTG: Joseph C
9:00 PM |
POTG: James M
POTG: Derrick T
10:00 PM |
POTG: Nebi A
POTG: Devin R
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, July 28
Court 1
Court 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: Joseph C
POTG: Ricky M
8:00 PM |
POTG: Jonathan T
POTG: Team mvp
9:00 PM |
POTG: Devin R
POTG: Mihran N
10:00 PM |
POTG: Islam A
POTG: John H
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, August 4
Caesars Palace forfeited to The Eight Hashiras.
B Team Ballers forfeited to B4L.
Court 1
Court 2
7:00 PM |
POTG: John H
8:00 PM |
POTG: Omar M
9:00 PM |
POTG: James M
POTG: Team effort - comeback
10:00 PM |
POTG: Team mvp
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, August 11
Top 4 Teams From Each Division Advance
Court 1
7:00 PM |
POTG: Peter D
8:00 PM |
POTG: William D
9:00 PM |
POTG: Islam A
10:00 PM |
POTG: Mihran N
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Wednesday, August 18
* Playoffs *
Semi-Finals and Finals Same Week
Court 1
7:00 PM |
POTG: James M
8:00 PM |
POTG: Islam A
9:00 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)