Co-ed Kickball - Monday - Montclair
Monday, May 20
Field 1
6:30 PM |
POTG: Ryan D
7:30 PM |
POTG: Megan S
8:30 PM |
POTG: Mallory S
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Monday, June 3
Double Headers
One kick wonders , Salty Balls
Field 1
6:30 PM |
POTG: John L
7:30 PM |
8:30 PM |
9:30 PM |
POTG: Corrine D
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Monday, June 17
Double Headers
Boot by the Foot, Fresh Prince of Ball Air, Papa Yogi , Toenan the Ballbarian
Field 1
Field 2
6:30 PM |
7:30 PM |
POTG: Brian jen
POTG: Nicole S
8:30 PM |
POTG: Colin M
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Monday, June 24
Field 1
Field 2
6:30 PM |
7:30 PM |
POTG: Samir D
8:30 PM |
POTG: Eric B
9:30 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Monday, July 15
Toenan the Ballbarian forfeited to Boot by the Foot.
Field 1
7:00 PM | |
8:00 PM |
9:00 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)