Fall 2021 - 7v7 Men's Flag Football - Multiple Skill Levels Offered - Clifton Area - Sunday Nights
Sunday, October 10
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
6:30 PM |
POTG: Hazem A
POTG: Aveon I
POTG: Troy H
7:30 PM |
POTG: Shane D
POTG: Brian P
POTG: Griffin L
8:30 PM |
POTG: matthew a
POTG: Dustin B
POTG: John P
9:30 PM |
POTG: Clario S
POTG: Garett W
POTG: Parish H
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, October 17
Double Headers
Johnny’s on the SpotByes
The Duri Boys
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
6:30 PM |
7:30 PM |
POTG: Brian H
POTG: Karriem R
POTG: Kenny M
8:30 PM |
POTG: Steven P
POTG: Alexander O
9:30 PM |
POTG: Derek L
POTG: Manuel V
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, October 24
Double Headers
The Duri BoysByes
Johnny’s on the Spot
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
6:30 PM |
POTG: Nashawn I
POTG: Brendan G
POTG: Chris C
7:30 PM |
POTG: Dustin B
POTG: Brian M
8:30 PM |
POTG: Troy H
POTG: Kyung K
POTG: Hector P
9:30 PM |
POTG: Team Mvp
POTG: Tyler M
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, October 31
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
6:30 PM |
POTG: Brian H
POTG: Ahad K
POTG: Nashawn I
7:30 PM |
POTG: Geno F
8:30 PM |
POTG: Henry K
POTG: Griffin L
POTG: William E
9:30 PM |
POTG: Kevin L
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, November 7
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
6:30 PM |
POTG: Dustin B
POTG: Michael R
7:30 PM |
POTG: Adam B
POTG: Robert L
POTG: Nick K
8:30 PM |
POTG: Juwan P
POTG: Majd H
9:30 PM |
POTG: Michael Y
POTG: Matthew S
POTG: Ryan G
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, November 14
Ball So Hard University, Henry and Friends
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
6:30 PM |
POTG: Nick M
POTG: Matt D
7:30 PM |
POTG: Kevin L
8:30 PM |
POTG: Kyle N
9:30 PM |
POTG: Keith G
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, November 21
Double Headers
Ball So Hard University, Henry and Friends
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
6:30 PM |
POTG: Waseem Q
7:30 PM |
POTG: Kevin K
8:30 PM |
POTG: Brandon C
8:45 PM |
POTG: Frederick A
9:30 PM |
POTG: Damien T
9:45 PM |
POTG: Dustin B
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, December 5
Competitive Playoffs
Top 4 Advance - Semi-Finals and Finals Same Week
Rec Playoffs
Top 4 Teams From Each Division Advance - Quarterfinals
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
6:30 PM |
POTG: Jeff B
POTG: Aveon I
7:30 PM |
POTG: Danny J
8:30 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Sunday, December 12
Rec Playoffs
Semi-Finals and Finals Same Week
Field 1
6:30 PM |
7:30 PM |
8:30 PM |
POTG: Bergen County ARC - charity
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)